Saturday, August 13, 2011

some more pics

Volcano Agua not active

Church in Antigua

coloring with the kids at Fundaninos

the cooks at Cassa Bernabe'

One of the orphanages that we dwlivered supplies to

The baby house at Fundaninos
Our week of service here in Guatemala is winding down. It has been a whirlwind of activity, from watching over 9-year old boys 9 (and breaking up a fight or two!) to clinging precariously to the side of the roadway while sliding 40 pound bricks to a waiting crew below. Muscles not used much in the ministry field are sore from use in the mission field! God has been so good to us here. Our team devotions have been filled with the Spirit of God speaking through the team. He has indeed watched over us, blessing our work and bringing us each more joy and blessing than we deserve.  More to come when we get back!
Blessings on you all!
Pastor Bruce

1 comment:

  1. Wow -- i'm so glad you're sharing all of this online!!

    Wish I could've visited some of the kiddos from FundeniƱos again!
    ♥ Beth
